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Hover your mouse over the photos to see the bird names and photographer credit. Click any photo to view the slide show at your leisure.

Birding tourism could bring millions to the Klamath Basin economy

The Klamath Basin has been on many of the Top Ten Birding Hotspot lists in the nation.


Birding is the 2nd fastest growing

outdoor hobby in the US


Birders spend 41.6 billion annually on their hobby including 14.8 billion on travel related expenses. Let's work together to see that the Klamath Basin get is fair share of the pie!



18 million birders travel away from home at least once annually,

averaging 11 days per trip.


Business and individuals looking for places to relocate are looking for lifestyle

benefits that are extraordinary.


A good infrastructure is in place to serve the birders including several National and State Wildlife refuges, a website listing the best birding hotspots in the Klamath Basin, an excellent birding trail brochure, and wildlife rich trails near the downtown area that are easily accessible.

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